miercuri, ianuarie 16, 2008

Ads... and ads....

Avand in vedere postul precedent... aici... am vazut prin oras (a se citi Bucuresti) un minunat billboard, din pacate nu am avut cu ce sa il fotografiez... dar am reusit sa gasesc imaginea aici... si un articol referitor aici...
Trebuie sa spun ca nu sunt un mare fan al licentierilor foarte restrictive... si nu imi place sa mi se incalce drepturile mele... dar totusi desi am vazut multe ad-uri care se inspira unele din altele... dar nici unul ca asta... la Nicorette (c) care este o copie mai mult decat fidela la print-urile realizate pentru Marlboro... the Marlboro man.
Sunt de acord cu trucaje, parodieri si altele din gama, care de regula sunt necomerciale... dar totusi asta mi se parte furt...


License / Licentiere

Taking into account a poster I saw the other day somewhere in the town I realized the importance of licensing, and thus i applied a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License to all of my stuff I post here.

For the actual licence: here


Avand in vedere o chestie pe care am vazut-o in oras zilele astea mi-am dat seama de importanta licentierii. Din acest motiv tot ceea ce se posteaza pe acest blog, referindu-ma strict la posturile mele sunt licentiate sub Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Pentru licenta: aici

luni, ianuarie 14, 2008

Alpha Centauri - part X

I don’t mind… but you know that the Alpha Core disapproves all kind of intimate contact between its members… and by requesting to bunk with me you defied this unwritten rule.

I know that… but I know also that the captain will write in his report to the command that he had to do this because of the lack of space… and the other Alphas on board will keep this silent because they all break this rule at some point in their lives.

You have a point there, and because of that we could say that we are safe of all inquisitive eyes, and you are right about what you said the other day… about you being the only one that can help me.

Then we have two options… either sleep either talk about what is happening with you.

Really I do not know… but let’s start with something that will relax us both a little… a drink maybe…

Stop playing with me… you know that we don’t need drinks to relax and talk free and you also know that we are on call 24/7…

They sat on the bed… talking… about them… about their lives in the Alpha Core… about the war they are fighting in…

Dreams within dreams… within dreams… within other dreams…

He told her about his dialog with the creature… what he found out about their motives… why they do what they do…

He told her about his breakdown… about the time spent in the holographic room… about what he felt… his dreams… himself… and what he felt then…

They used words… although they could have used only their minds to ‘speak’ to one another… but words put at rest their own monsters… their own fear…

They’ve fallen asleep in an embrace… they did not need anything else… they were at ease with each other and themselves…


The alarm rang… and all over the ship there was only one phrase that would repeat… ‘All hands to battle stations. All Alphas to the command deck.’

They rushed to the command deck preparing to fight for their lives… or at least die taking most of the enemy with them…

Alarms were ringing all over the ship making a terrible noise.


The alarm rang once again… she jumped out of her bed in a fighting position… ready to extend her mind to take hold of her enemy…

She looked around… seeing an unfamiliar room that said something to her… looking around she realized were she was… the smell of coffee from downstairs filled her nostrils… waking her up and giving her a new grip on life and reality…

Looking around the room she sees her covers on the floor…

What a dream… so intense… so real… but still a dream…

She gathered her cover from the floor and tossed it on to the bed… and than started to walk to her kitchen… the sun was shining through the windows falling on she slender body… revealing all her curves as she walked naked around her house…

She got her hot coffee and walked outside into her garden… to lie in the sun…

A perfect beginning for a perfect day… a new day in her life…

The end

Alpha Centauri – part IX
Alpha Centauri – part VIII
Alpha Centauri – part VII
Alpha Centauri – part VI
Alpha Centauri – part V
Alpha Centauri – part IV
Alpha Centauri – part III
Alpha Centauri – part II
Alpha Centauri – part I


Gramo s-a mutat.... de la WorldPress (aici) in Ro (aici).

Am anuntat mutarea lor nu pentru ca as avea vre-un interes material ci pentru ca imi place la ei pe Blog...

miercuri, ianuarie 09, 2008

Alpha Centauri - part IX

I’m ok, you can go now… I’m sorry I disturbed you… It is not OK for you to stay here with me.

Well I am the only one that can help you and you know that… so I am not leaving.

Go, now!

OK… if you put it that way… I’ll go…


The next morning they were out again into deep space on the way to closest free human planet to let the refugees go and continue their mission when they have been hailed by some transporters asking for help.

The two transporters were full over their passenger limit and required assistance as to move some of their passengers as to continue their journey in safe conditions.

More than 100 and some people have been moved from the transporters to the ship.

Given the dire conditions of the transports and the ship she went to the captain.

CL1 Alpha reporting for duty.

At ease Alpha… although this military crap does not apply to you Alpha. How may I help you?

Given the current circumstances I wish to give up my cabin for some refugees.

And where will you sleep?

I would like to be moved with CL0 Alpha.

Does he know about this?

He doesn’t, but he has nightmares and I am the only one that can help and you know that.

OK… as you wish… but you will have to tackle that with him.

Thank you sir.


One of the duties that Alpha’s had on the ships they traveled on was to take care of the refugees… and of their fears, so he had a busy day taking care of some of the refugees on board so not to notice the changes that happened around his cabin.

Ships sleep hours came and he headed towards his cabin only to find her there.

What are you doing here?

Well… I’ll stay here until we reach the planet…

Are you sure?

Well, I am… but ask the computer if you don’t trust me.

Computer, show me the location of the cabin assigned to Alpha – CL1 – 2AF0001.

The computer panel lit up and showed her cabins location.

Computer, show me the location of the cabin assigned to Alpha – CL0 – 1AM0001, use overlay.

The computer overlaid his location on the same map… the two positions coincided.

Well it looks like you were right… what are we going to do… ‘cause there is only one bed…

We could share it… if you don’t have a problem with it.

Alpha Centauri – part VIII
Alpha Centauri – part VII
Alpha Centauri – part VI
Alpha Centauri – part V
Alpha Centauri – part IV
Alpha Centauri – part III
Alpha Centauri – part II
Alpha Centauri – part I

marți, ianuarie 08, 2008

Alpha Centauri - part VIII

It was 2020, one of the first raids that the creatures conducted against the human race. They reached his village and the local police with small fire arms tried to make a stand… but they were many and coming in waves… killed everything in sight.

He was standing in his home with his wife when the monsters reached his home… they were standing there, face to face not sure what to do… kill both of them or not…

They made a move and impaled his wife with one of their many hands… ripping her one as if she were a melon… but they didn’t approach him, as if they were afraid of him, as if they sensed him as one of their own…

Being at peace with himself he waited for them to kill him because without his wife he was nothing… but they didn’t… leaving him there for the next wave…

As he sat into his now devastated home and life he started hearing voices… or he though he did… kill, kill, kill this planet is ours now… we have prevailed… we are one.

The second wave came… to clean up the mess that the first wave left behind, he sensed them coming… their thoughts screaming to him… kill everything in site… kill all the intruders… they came… one of them standing in front of him… looking at him…

He took control over it’s mind… as if he was the creature and the creature was him… one being… He climbed on the creatures back and headed towards the nearest space port… only to find the destruction there

There was only on ship still intact… he got in and headed of the planet… into the unknown... only to find what was left of the human forces on high orbit.


She came rushing in his cabin only to find him asleep… squirming in his bed… with all other stuff thrown throughout the room… a nightmare. She woke him up…

What are you doing here?

You screamed for me to come here.

I didn’t do that… or at least I think I didn’t.

You did… I sensed you in my mind screaming for me to come.

Alpha Centauri – part VII
Alpha Centauri – part VI
Alpha Centauri – part V
Alpha Centauri – part IV
Alpha Centauri – part III
Alpha Centauri – part II
Alpha Centauri – part I

luni, ianuarie 07, 2008

Alpha Centauri - part VII

You know that I can crush you in an instant… but I would want not to do it. So what is your choice?

She struggled with the waves and she succeeded keeping her team safe… they could now take a break but not a very long one… they had to extract the remainder of the human population from the planet.

He went back to his shuttle and started the communication with his ship

Human population on the planet?

300 people left on the surface except the team.

Available ship capacity?

The ship can carry 500 persons, but there is no transport ship available that can get all the people from the surface in one go.

Transport ships available?

4 transporters with 75 places each.

Current locations of human populations on the surface?

Have all locations, can extract them all.

Alpha’s on board?

5 CL1 available.

Distance from the planet?

On high orbit.

Await further instructions.

Coming back to you. What have you decided?

I will never give up.

OK, as wish…

It felt his grip closing his mind. Harder and harder… no though could get out, it was trapped inside his mind… it floated above it’s troops but no command that he tried to issue got through.

To all Alpha CL1, a mental quarantine must be put in place over this planet.

To the commander: prepare the transporters and launch them in the medium orbit and await instructions.

Shall we finish this quick or do you want more?

No matter what you do to me, my brethren will have you all…

Whatever you say…

Mental quarantine in place.

If new Alpha’s become available, get them into supporting this mental quarantine and take care of the ones that might crack under the pressure.

Coming back… since you wanted to fight to the finish… I will let you leave till the end… as to see what happens…

I will now issue the order to all overseers to cease fire… or should I say that you will issue that order…

You bastard… you can’t do that…

Well watch me…

The order has been issued and all the attacks halted in place.

Send in the transporters and get all the people out. Open fire only for defense purposes. Give me an ETA.

Acknowledged, 5 standard hours to completion.

We have 5 hours give or take to discuss… any thoughts?

What are you human cause you are the only one that can do this to us?

Well, I suppose I can tell you since you will take this with you in your grave… I am the one that has created himself in order to get a better grip on this war and on the fight with you.

Why are you doing this to us, what reasons do you have?

Well I’m doing this out of revenge… and I admit that… this planet before you got here hosted close to 10 million people, now its total population is 300 persons. I could ask you the same thing, why are you doing this?

We are close to 100 billion beings and we need more room to expand. We try to conquer any livable planet and adapt it to our own needs. Up to now we managed to impose a peaceful domination on all the planets we conquered, but with you… you don’t let go.

And this dialogue went over and over for more that 5 standard hours, until the evacuation was finished.

We are all done… and now I will send a warning to your kin, unfortunately, to my regret with sacrificing you… I am really sorry.

He got into his craft and got of the ground, he was safely on the middle orbit, and he issued the command…

I am sorry… really sorry… but you will now self destruct… all overseers on the planet shall self-destruct at the same time.

He maintained a high orbit as the overseers destructed themselves putting the planet into chaos. All the troops started killing each-other, and the fight went on and on until no living soul remained.

Back on the ship, with the mental shield still in place he asked for a scan of the planet for life. There was no life present on the planet.

Issue the self-destruct command for all of our equipment that has been left on the planet.

On the high orbit, the ship passengers saw as points on the planets surface light up as the equipment that was once present there blew up.

Remove the mental quarantine and get the Alpha’s to recovery, NOW.

Alpha Centauri – part VI
Alpha Centauri – part V
Alpha Centauri – part IV
Alpha Centauri – part III
Alpha Centauri – part II
Alpha Centauri – part I

joi, ianuarie 03, 2008

Alpha Centauri - part VI

Her options were limited… She had to succeed or they were all doomed… her whole team… their mission… everything…

His shield made her job difficult… but she had to try… and try even harder because that was her only chance…

On the other side of the vale, Alpha was standing and observing… he did not want to get involved, he was not allowed to get involved, but knew he might have to, after all she was there.

What can I do? Our motto and conditioning says that ‘An Alpha is always by himself. An Alpha’s fight is just his own. No Alpha can help an Alpha.’ and thus I can not help her with the overseer but maybe I can do something.

She concentrated on the overseer and she could not sense him… nor if she did she could not ask for help.

Her team kept firing at the waves that kept coming… and coming… they managed to keep them at a safe distance but the monsters came in a higher number than ever… and she could do nothing to keep them at bay.

What the hell… I am trapped… if I loose the grip on the overseer the waves will keep coming… if I focus on the waves I will soon be overwhelmed… decisions… decisions… decisions… If only Alpha would be here… we could decide together…

Her mind let out a scream… Alpha… Alpha… help me…

Even with the great distance between them he could here her… but what can he do… he is far enough as not the have an influence on the waves… but close enough to control the overseer… if only she would let the overseer go and focus on the waves…

She was still fighting to decide… but to no avail… her team was almost wasted… the bullets were about to finish… they were trapped…

Suddenly she felt a mind near her own on the overseer… she felt him… it was Alpha to the rescue… his mind creeping near her own to get a grip on the overseer… he was helping… but that was not permitted… they would have his head for this…

Let me get a grip on him and then back off and take care of the waves… or else there is no chance to get out of here alive…

She listened and as he got the overseer the let go of it and focused on the waves… she could not tell her team what has just happened… thus she ordered them to gather some of the weapons that some of the monsters dropped and keep on firing… the order now was ‘shoot to kill’.

The overseer was now in a state of shock… he realized what has just happed… that she wasn’t any more in his mind trying to control him… but it didn’t sense him… he tried to move… to call upon his troops… but no thought got through… and then he realized the grip that was holding him… a force much stronger than the previous one… a force that gripped his mind as in a fist, nothing getting out and nothing coming in…

At this point there was only one thing it could do… sit by and watch as his troops are being decimated… they were out of his control… a though flourished into his mind… Let go… do not fight any more because you have no chance against me I can crush you in an instant… but I’d rather keep you in one piece… and your mind intact.

Alpha Centauri – part V
Alpha Centauri – part IV
Alpha Centauri – part III
Alpha Centauri – part II
Alpha Centauri – part I